Skyrocket What We Do


What we do.

Coaching, Consulting, and Speaking for Your Success

We help executives and teams develop themselves and their teams for business success.

These are the programs for leadership development that do just  that!

Executive and Team Coaching

Your Leadership in Training Journey

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Executive Coaching

Creative and original, yet also tough and exacting, Michele uses proven assessment tools – as well as storytelling, play and other creative approaches – to transform leaders and teams, enhancing the learning experience of leaders and teams in her programs for leadership development. She asks probing and challenging questions to explore the client’s objectives, potential obstacles and strategies to achieve goals.
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Team Coaching

From leadership and management training to succession planning talent management to strategic team building, SkyRocket partners with you to boost team effectiveness and productivity. While working with groups, Michele emphasizes building trust, creating a culture of shared learning, and focusing on solutions and strong outcomes as it is learned to effectively manage teams.
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Speaking & Training

Inspiring and skilled, Michele connects with audiences big and small, formal and casual, hipster and homebody. Her areas of expertise include The Power of Purpose, Management Hacks and Is Succession Planning your Kryptonite?


Here's what some of my clients have to say about working with me.​

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SAP Procurement

"My coaching experience with Michele was nothing short of a gift. Our sessions helped me to become more patient with myself and helped me to carve out a better work-life balance for myself so that I can be truly present in each area of my life - increasing the quality of my work and of my relationships. Through thoughtful questions and sharing her professional experiences, Michele held a mirror up and helped me reflect on my perspectives and see things from a different angle. I would recommend Michele wholeheartedly and without hesitation to anyone looking for a compassionate, professional, experienced coach who meets you where you are and encourages her clients to be their authentic selves."
Jessica Hagen
/ Customer Officer
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Bridge Housing

“Michele has an uncanny ability to gain deep insights into your personality in a very short time, and guide you to effectively achieve your goals based on that knowledge through a process of self-discovery. She is patient, committed and sincere in her desire to help you identify and leverage your strengths, always respectful that they are a true reflection of who you are and in alignment with your values."
Smitha Seshadri
/ VP of Real Estate Development

True Partnerships

Companies I have worked with

True partnership is a two-way street, built on a foundation of mutual trust and respect for one another’s expertise. Our clients embrace this philosophy which results in leadership and organizational results that stick.

Let's Reach New heights together!

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